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Q&A: Surrogacy in Maine

Writer: Janene Oleaga, Esq.Janene Oleaga, Esq.

If you are curious about surrogacy in Maine, whether you are considering becoming a surrogate or hoping to grow your family via surrogacy, listen to our panel discussion about why Maine is a great place for a surrogacy journey!


Dr. Ben Lannon, Boston IVF

Janene Oleaga, Oleaga Law LLC

Jennifer White, New England Surrogacy

Catherine Tucker, New England Surrogacy

Natalie Grammer, Maine Doulas

Elysabeth Armstrong, Two-Time Maine Gestational Carrier

If you have more questions about surrogacy in Maine, reach out to

New England Surrogacy:


This article contains general information about surrogacy in Maine.

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Oleaga Law LLC and Janene Oleaga, Esq. expressly disclaim all liability from actions or inactions based on the contents of this article and the website it appears on.


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This website contains general information about Oleaga Law LLC, family law, international law, fertility law, and laws relating to family formation, assisted reproductive technology, and adoption.  Neither this website nor its contents should be construed as legal advice.  An attorney-client relationship is not created by viewing this website, nor by sending any communication through this website or directly to Oleaga Law LLC. 

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