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Infertility Grants & Charities: IVF, Egg Donation, Sperm Donation, Surrogacy and ART Procedures

Writer: Janene Oleaga, Esq.Janene Oleaga, Esq.

Updated: May 1, 2021

Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the holiday season can be especially stressful for individuals and couples struggling with infertility. Nosy relatives with prying questions and family celebrations with little ones can make couples facing infertility feel exposed, sensitive, and vulnerable.

In honor of Giving Tuesday 2020, consider a donation to one of the below organizations providing financial assistance for those facing infertility and struggling to grow their families.

For many people dealing with infertility, the high expense of fertility treatments (including IVF, IUI, egg donation, sperm donation, surrogacy, and third party reproduction) prevents them from pursuing this path to parenthood.

The organizations below help individuals and couples diagnosed with infertility secure the funds needed to grow their families via assisted reproductive technology.

All organizations included below are LGBTQ friendly.

We believe everyone has a right to a family.


AGC is non-profit group providing both advocacy and scholarships for those struggling with infertility in the United States. The AGC Hope Scholarship provides individuals without the financial resources the opportunity to fulfill their dreams of parenthood. Applicants must complete an application describing their infertility history, personal situation and financial need. The number of scholarships awarded and the value of the award depends on the financial need of the recipient(s).

BabyQuest Foundation is a non-profit organization granting financial assistance to those who cannot afford infertility treatments such as IVF, egg donation, sperm donation, egg freezing, and gestational surrogacy. Grant eligibility depends on the applicant’s circumstances including the underlying cause of infertility, and their financial situation. Grants are awarded in the spring and fall of each year. The amount of each grant varies as each grant is based upon need. Some awards include medications along with payment of clinic fees. BabyQuest's goal is to “fill the gap” between what is required and what the applicant can contribute. Grants are available to singles and couples, both same-sex and heterosexual.

The Bob Woodruff Foundation (BWF) works in collaboration with the Department of Veterans Affairs, to inform veterans with service-connected fertility challenges of the various fertility benefits and services available to them. BWF provides up to $5,000 funding to veterans eligible for the BWF Veterans In Vitro InitiAtive (VIVA) Fund. BWF also helps couples navigate what other veteran benefits may be available to them when pursuing fertility treatments.

The Cade Foundation provides grants to those struggling with infertility to help with the costs of fertility treatment. Each applicant must have a diagnosis of infertility from a medical doctor and must be a permanent U.S. resident. Grants up to $10,000 are awarded twice per year. These grants can also be applied to adoption costs for families pursuing adoption.

The CNY IVF Grant is a monthly grant for a free IVF cycle including anesthesia, ICSI, assisted hatching, fresh transfer, cryopreservation, and storage of embryos for up to one year, and a $1,000 medication gift card from IntegrityRx. Some months, the grant is restricted to those who fit certain criteria (PCOS, unexplained infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss, active military, and others). Other months, the grant is open to everyone. Because the rules change monthly, it is suggested that you follow CNY's Facebook or Instagram page or subscribe to the CNY newsletter so that you are up to date with the latest month’s rules.

The American Academy of Adoption Attorneys’ Family Formation Charitable Trust provides financial assistance to individuals and non-profit organizations seeking to build families through adoption and assisted reproductive technology (ART). Grants range from $500 to $2,000. Application deadlines are September 1 and March 1 of each year.

Farcical Fertility is a one-of-a-kind website and non-profit organization with a blog worth following for anyone interested in finding the humor in an otherwise difficult and emotional situation. The incredible people at Farcical Fertility strive to relieve the financial cost of infertility for those in need. All applicants are screened through the applicant's fertility clinic. The income limits are $75,000 for an individual or $125,000 for couples. Grants are given to Minnesota based IVF patients in $2,500 and $5,000 increments (for frozen and fresh cycles respectively).

This site isn’t about happy endings,

although I pray I get one and I pray you all do too.

It’s about the journey of this hell, relating to one another,

and most importantly finding glimmers of humor along the way."

Footprints of Angels is a non-profit organization supporting women impacted by recurrent miscarriages and infertility. Footprints of Angels was established to support women through their grief and pain. Funds awarded can be used to pay for infertility medications, treatment from any reproductive endocrinology practice, in-vitro fertilization (IVF), egg freezing, embryo freezing, and third party reproduction. Applicants can be same-sex couples or individuals, and must have a diagnosis of infertility certified by a medical provider.

Footsteps for Fertility Foundation offers grants of $5,000 or less, depending on the cost of required treatment, or in-kind donated services from clinical partners. Grants are awarded by random selection following a 5K-race event and by random selection via social media.

Gift of Parenthood helps couples and individuals struggling with infertility achieve their dreams of becoming parents with fertility assistance grants ranging from $8,000 to $15,000, offered four times each year. The program aims to help families conceive through assisted reproductive technology treatments including IUI, IVF, egg donation, embryo donation, and gestational surrogacy. Gift of Parenthood considers all who apply, and strives to be diverse in regards to ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, relationship status, medical history and geography

The Hope for Fertility Foundation National Grant helps couples overcome the financial difficulties that accompany fertility treatments. The frequency and amount of grants is based on the availability of funds raised throughout the year. Grants are typically awarded twice each year with amounts ranging from $250 to $5,000. Married couples who are legal residents of the United States, have been diagnosed with infertility, and who require infertility treatments or adoption are eligible for the grant application.

INCIID (The International Council on Infertility Information Dissemination, Inc.) provides IVF scholarships at a number of national clinics including clinics in New York and Connecticut. INCIID aims to provide one scholarship per month. Instead of awarding funds, recipients receive approximately $25,000 in the form of donated medical care Applicants typically earn under $65,000 per year.

The Jade Foundation IVF Grant is offered exclusively at RMA Long Island IVF and provides financial assistance to couples whose insurance does not cover IVF treatments. Qualified patients will pay a cost share amount based on total household income level. Funding through this grant program is allocated for basic services related to an IVF fresh cycle, and excludes other types of treatments such as frozen cycles, egg donation cycles, and egg freezing cycles. Applicants must be Long Island, Queens or Brooklyn residents less than 35 years of age, have documented infertility, and meet clinical and financial criteria. Additionally, applicants must have commercial medical insurance coverage which either does not cover their IVF treatments or for which they have exhausted their IVF benefits. Priority is given to first time parents and to those who have served or are currently serving in the U.S. military.

Journey to Parenthood's mission is to help couples and individuals facing infertility achieve their dreams of parenthood by providing financial aid, emotional support, education, and resources. The Journey to Parenthood Foundation raises money to provide financial grants for those seeking fertility treatments, third party reproduction, surrogacy, or adoption to lessen the financial burden that is too often associated with infertility. The number and amount of each grant varies based upon availability of funds with the goal of gifting a $10,000 grant at least once annually.

Kevin J. Lederer Life Foundation is a non-profit organization with a mission to promote health and alleviate mental and physical distress of individuals and couples diagnosed with infertility by providing financial assistance. The foundation offers Life Grants which can provide up to $10,000 to cover the cost of assisted reproductive technology, adoption, or third party reproduction. Applicants must reside in Illinois, Indiana, or Wisconsin and have a diagnosis of infertility certified by a medical provider, with the exception of applicants who are single, or part of a same-sex couple.

Men Having Babies created The Gay Parenting Assistance Program (GPAP) as part of their mission to make family building more affordable for gay prospective parents. GPAP annually facilitates over a million dollars worth of financial support for gay prospective parents in two forms: (1) Discounted and free services donated by surrogacy, egg donation, and legal providers, and (2) Cash grants funded through sponsorship proceeds from conferences and donations from parents and allies.

The Nest Egg Foundation is a Connecticut-based non-profit organization founded to help those struggling with infertility by providing financial assistance. The number and amount of grants awarded each year is entirely dependent upon fundraising efforts, and will not amount to more than $10,000 per grant. Grant funds may be used to pay for costs associated with IVF, including the IVF treatment cycle, egg cryopreservation, sperm cryopreservation, embryo testing and screening, and IVF medications. Grant funding can be used at the Connecticut Centers of Excellence, the Center for Advanced Reproductive Services (CARS) and Reproductive Medicine Associates of Connecticut (RMACT).

The New York State Department of Health implemented the Infertility Demonstration Program, and invited selected infertility providers statewide to participate. Participating providers are responsible for billing New York State for costs associated with IVF and GIFT, after patient co-pays and insurance reimbursement, if any, are taken into account. This program funds $1,000,000 towards 100+ IVF cycles each year, working with 13-17 clinics in the state of New York. Household income for applicants may not exceed $195,000.

Parental Hope is dedicated to raising infertility awareness and providing emotional support for those struggling with infertility through support groups and financial assistance. Three different Parental Hope Family Grants are awarded each October: (1) IVF Grant covering the full cost of a standard IVF Cycle, (2) FET Grant covering the cost of one frozen embryo transfer, and (3) Embryo Adoption Grant providing a $5,000 grant to a couple who has qualified for embryo adoption with the National Embryo Donation Center (NEDC) in Knoxville, Tennessee. There are no geographical restrictions for applicants, but at least one applicant must have diagnosed infertility.

Pay It Forward Fertility Foundation helps couples in North Carolina who are struggling with infertility afford additional fertility treatments if past fertility procedures have failed. This foundation helps those who cannot afford treatments such as IVF, donor egg IVF, and embryo adoption, military personnel who want to preserve fertility before deployment, or cancer patients who want to preserve fertility before radiation or chemotherapy. Applicants must be U.S. citizens, under 40 years of age, show proof of medical insurance, and have a physician’s recommendations for fertility treatment.

The Samfund is a non-profit organization providing support for young adult cancer survivors as they recover from the financial impact of cancer treatment. The Samfund helps young adults achieve their personal, professional, and academic goals by providing financial assistance and free online support and education. The Samfund Grant provides up to $4,000/each for fertility treatments to cancer survivors.

The non-profit organization Sparkles of Life, offers the Vivre-Garden of Life Grant for those living in the Houston, Texas area. This grant is awarded to one couple each year who demonstrates a need for fertility treatment with documented history of infertility or miscarriages. Applicants must be available to participate in annual fundraising events, must have a combined household income under $175,000, and must be willing to volunteer with Sparkles of Life.

Starfish Infertility Foundation is a non-profit group committed to providing financial support for those struggling with infertility in the United States. The grants awarded will give couples that do not have insurance, nor the financial resources to pay for infertility treatments, the opportunity to fulfill their dream of a family. Starfish Infertility Foundation has established multiple grants throughout the year. Grant amounts depend on fundraising efforts from the year prior.


In addition to the infertility scholarships and family building grants included above, it may be helpful to search for local, regional, and state-wide infertility grants, IVF grants, and other assisted reproductive financial aid available in your geographic area. Funds may also be available for your infertility journey through your workplace, religious organization, or community group.

Explore available infertility funding organized by state at CoFertility, IVF insurance coverage resources at My Fertility Navigator, and other ways to access fertility treatments and benefits at Fertility Within Reach. If you are contemplating securing a loan to finance your infertility journey, check out EggFund.

Egg Fund was founded by infertility survivor and advocate Carmela Rea, who is committed to helping people afford to grow their families via assisted reproductive technology and adoption. EggFund helps people afford their dreams of parenthood by securing loans up to $100,000. Loan funds can be applied to any aspect of your parenthood journey including: fertility treatment (IVF, IUI, etc.); egg freezing; adoption and surrogacy.


I hope this article provides readers with a starting point for deciding how to finance fertility treatments on their journey to parenthood. If you have additional questions, please contact Janene Oleaga at Oleaga Law LLC, (207) 200-6780 or


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